Friday, June 29, 2007


Hey peeps Im Back!! I drew this wolverine last nite at Pricillas Coffee Shop in Burbank, and I threw some quick color on em in Photoshop. Its a rough piece that I plan to finish. I was thinking of doing a post of my favorite Marvel heroes, so heres the first one. Ill have the rest up later. I'm still tweaking them up. Alright hope you guys dig!!

ps. My coloring sucks!


Joe Cappabianca said...

Hey Man, definately my favorite as well. Awesome work man, you've got some amazing stuff on here. Those pirates ahhhh, so sick dude more priates! Be well man keep in touch.

aintshakespeare said...

This is great. Wolverine is the best. However, I find that I like the fan art version of him better than the comic book ones. This version is very cool. Good work.

Unknown said...

he is BAD ASS!!! I love his expression, like hes gonna tear into someone. Great Post Mr Puga