Friday, December 14, 2007

Fresh out of the oven!

So I'm done with finals...kind of! i have 1 left and I don't have to turn it in till the beginning of next quarter. but other than that I'm done! Anyway' I just finished these two monsters for my short, their really detailed...well for me they are, these two probably took about 3 hours, from research/sketch/to finish. Hope you guys and gals like them, and let me know what you think about it. thanks for stopping by.

This first one is a Namor-ish One-eye Giant Mermaid man who is leading the attack from the sea in my short.When i first did this sketch i did it without the beard, but somewhere along the way i added it.

Alright this one took me a while. This is the Giant Ass Turtle from the previous post. That design on his back is Aztec and he has a giant hand print on the shell, and that's from the main villain...MANO PELUDA!!!!! that's it for now, ill post some more goodies soon!


Xelu said...

You have a link in my blog.



Dudley said...

sweet man. that turtle looks pretty awesome.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post, really enjoy both villians, very unique


toneINK said...

hey man!!! check your email!

libra bear said...

Dude at the top rocks. You may have said but... you gonna animate these?

Unknown said...

That is amazing. Nice way to use solid shapes and painted fills.... cool!

Joe Cappabianca said...

these designs are so sweet man, so soft but hard, really love this stuff man. Be well.

Unknown said...

soo do I get to animate that turtle?

Unknown said...

very tasty stuff Miguel!!! Wishin you and yours a happy holiday!

Anonymous said...

Have you ever drawn Zeus? I bet you could draw a great Zeus. Anyway, very cool stuff.

Richtoon said...

woah!! This is great!!